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These include ongoing activity in secondary schools, sixth form colleges and other educational settings.

We have also run a number of past projects, which we hope will inspire and encourage educators going forwards. Please go to our Resources page.

Current initiatives

I am an MUP mentor, picture with 3 girls.

This project for our secondary school population is provided by Merseyside Youth Association and is a peer-to-peer leadership programme addressing serious violence themes. Schools can also view a new animation on the scheme, by visiting youtube link.

School presentations on child criminal exploitation and arson are provided by Safer School Officers. Learn more about the initiative at https://liverpool.gov.uk/communities-and-safety/crime-and-safety/youth-violence-and-knife-crime-prevention/education-and-schools/

This is a rolling project of interactive drama sessions for our college students provided by Afta Thought (pictured). Go to Afta Thought.

Drama sessions for our college students provided by Afta Thought

The Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership is currently involved in training educators to use Boxall. This is an assessment tool for social emotional and behavioural difficulties for children and young people. See Boxall Profile.

Thanks to funding from the Office of the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner, the Sports, Arts and Culture Fund has been set up to offer greater opportunities for thousands of young people, helping them to gain valuable skills, build their confidence and make positive decisions for the future. Visit Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner.

‘Grassing or Grooming’ project, a picture of two young men.

Delivered by education charity The Ariel Trust, this online resource gives children the chance to practice skills that they can use to resist grooming by criminal gangs.  After watching a short film, young people step into the role of the victim and explore the reason why a gang member might try to keep children quiet by promoting the idea of ‘a Grass’. The project helps the young people develop skills that they can use to get support should they get caught up in inappropriate relationships.

Our past programmes

The MVRP has provided awareness-raising sessions and 1:1 support for secondary pupils. This was facilitated by St Giles Trust as part of their SOS+ project (St Helens).

Delivery of a trauma-informed restorative life skills project provided by Magistra for our Pupil Referral Unit pupils (Knowsley).

This guidance provides a steer for organisations and schools when presenting and arranging activities in this area.

MVRP trauma informed approaches merseyside schools

This report highlights principles, consequences and identifies local level support for educators.

MVRP trauma informed approaches merseyside schools

This is a short and clear guide for young people highlighting organisations you can signpost young people to.

What you need to know about Child Criminal Exploitation

This shares the learning in supporting young people through school’s COVID-19 recovery plans, individual pastoral support and modifications to the curriculum and environment.

MVRP trauma informed approaches merseyside schools
Notes for facilitator

Are you using one of our films?

There are facilitator notes to support professionals delivering MVRP films:

A film for young people about criminal child exploitation, gangs, and knife crime.

Notes for Facilitators

An animation about gangs and arson.

Jays story